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TangShan Dachuan Mechanical Equipment Co., Ltd.

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centrifugal pump
centrifugal pump
Specification: DCSB
Detail: Centrifugal Pump Solid Control Equipment Solid Control Equipment Centrifugal Pump Centrifugal Pumps are used to supply slurry to desanders and desilters, and at the same time can be kinetic pumps for jet mud mixers. £¨1£© ...

solids control system desilter,desilter supplier in china
solids control system desilter,desilter supplier in china
Specification: DCCNQ
Detail: Desilter Solid Control Equipment Solids Control System Desilter,desilter Supplier In China Desilter is the third class solid control equipment in solid control system,it is used to separate the solid phase particles whose...

solid control equipment desander
solid control equipment desander
Specification: DCCSQ
Detail: Desander Solid Control Equipment Solid Control Equipment Desander,desanding machine High Quality Desander is the second equipment in solids control system£¬it is used to separate solid phase particles whose diameter is 40¡«...

decanter centrifuge
decanter centrifuge
Specification: DCLW
Detail: Decanter Centrifuge Solid Control Equipment china high speed decanter centrifuge Drilling fluid centrifuge is used for recovering barites, removing small solid particles, reducing solids content in mud, thus ensure drilling...

mud cleaner
mud cleaner
Specification: DCZS
Detail: Mud Cleaner Solid Control Equipment China mud&©|160;cleaners for sale,mud cleaning equipment Mud Cleaneris the mud cleaning equipment combination of desander,desilter hydrocyclone and an underflow shale shaker. £¨1£©Co**...

shale shaker
shale shaker
Specification: DCZS
Detail: Shale Shaker Solid Control Equipment shale shaker for sale,Linear Motion Shale Shaker Supplier Linear motion shale shaker is the primary processing equipment of solid control system, it is used for separating the large dril...
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